
Graphic Design is the art of visual communication. The primary goal of every design piece is to communicate a message to an audience by using every area of the visual language needed to fully relay the idea. All of my work has taken into account the elements of design (balance, scale, variety, etc.), the principles of design (color, texture, etc.), and also the constraints set by the client to make a cohesive piece that is screaming for one unified idea.

Much of my work deals with “white space.” The eye needs time to rest in a piece and I create this by using large areas of open space. Using a lot of white space also makes for a clean composition. When you have a clean design it must contain a very strong composition. Most of my work starts with the composition then moves to the other elements that are needed to communicate an idea.

In executing a project I constantly look for new ways to communicate an idea. While my style typically contains a lot of white space I am not afraid to stray from this to communicate an idea more clearly. I have tried to explore other methods of solving the problem. At times it is more fitting to use a cluttered approach or more solid color style. However, I still find most of my work fitting comfortably into my structured white space design.

All of my graphic design work is for the purpose of fulfilling someone else’s desire or need. It is through the liberty of creativity wherein I get to explore as an artist. While keeping the constraints of the project in mind, my goal is not only to simply and clearly communicate an idea, but also to do so in the most creative way possible. By blending together creativity and the client’s idea, the piece then becomes something unique and worth looking at. The ability to grab the viewer’s attention through this creativity is what sets each piece apart from the next.

Creativity mixed with my compositional approach makes for work that is honoring to God. While most of my work is not classified as religious, I have created it to the best of my ability, thus serving God. Colossians 3:17 states that “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Though the clients get to dictate the content and idea, they cannot influence my drive for doing my best in my work.

- Charles Ryder